Evocative Animal Adoption Poster Design


This series of emotional posters were produced by McCann Worldgroup to bring awareness to the animal adoption issue and the World For All Animal Care organization.

World For All Animal Care & Adoptions is a Mumbai-based animal welfare organization that focuses on stray animal adoptions. Apart from adoptions, the NGO also conducts rescues and sterilizations of the stray animal population.

The organization is an endeavor to see every element of nature coming together to form a very simple coexistence. As the very first cause, and one that is closest to our heart, we started out with ‘animals.’ Life forms that are needy, and deserving of help and support. We feel that everyone must think in the direction of universal love and mutual respect.

The designers, photographers and art directors at McCann Worldgroup have done a great job with this series.

source: worldforall